No. 37


By : 園子 林

Entrant’s location : 日本



コンヴィヴィアルな社会にはそのマインドをもった市民がなくてはならない。 従って「コンヴィヴィアルのための道具」というのは何か一つのオブジェクトや道具ではなく、一連のアクティビティとなって現出する。 今回応募するプロジェクトは人々のマインドセットを整えて、コンヴィヴィアルな社会の実現に一歩近づけようという一連のスキームだ。 テクノロジーはしばしば「格差」を広げ、一部の人の「参加」の機会を奪うことが指摘されてきた。しかし、私たちはテクノロジーを、全ての人が「活き続ける」ために使う。 デジタルファブリケーション は、くらしを便利で楽しくする道具づくりに誰もがアクセスできる可能性を持つ。 私たちは誰もがデジタルファブリケーションを活用できる世界を目指し、障害当事者やその支援者とともに「メイカソン」を開催している。これは活きたくらしへの「参加」を後押しするイベントである。そこで生み出された道具の製作過程はオープンソースとしている。参加者全員に、世界中の似通った課題を持つ人のくらしをより良くする「役割」があると考えるからだ。そして、それは誰もが「活き続ける」ためのメソッドである。 この場への参加をきっかけに、作業療法士などのセラピストや障害当事者もデジタルファブリケーションの活用やメイカソンの運営を始めている。  この作品はそのメイカソンのコンセプト、メソッドから生まれた物語とプロダクトの総体である。

What did you create?

A place of manufacturing where everyone, including people with disabilities, participate on an equal footing, and a series of services to smoothly promote the place. They consist of these elements. ・ Workshop / Seminar: A place to improve manufacturing skills ・ Make-athon: A place to connect with co-creation while demonstrating skills ・ Redesign Cafe: A place to evaluate prototypes produced by Meikasson and mature in a form close to the product We call the tools that make life convenient and fun as “self-help tools”. At Make-athon, people with disabilities and their supporters are called “Need Knowers” and they make the tools they really want. The following are some of the tools. ・ Fly turn that is easy to return with one hand ・ Paw switch to invite smile ・ Unicorn band (tool that pushes PC keyboard with head movement) ・ Tool to drop “dust” when making Hariko -Forearm pick (a tool that plays the guitar only by moving the forearm) ・ Tools that allow you to write without overlapping characters

Why did you make it?

Self-help tools are all tools that specifically increase the person's ability to do and increase the number of activities that they can be involved in. Opening the data can increase access to the number of people who have similar issues around the world. A society where anyone can participate in such activities can be realized through digital fabrication. Only a limited number of people, such as designers, will be able to create a loop of activities that will enable them to “inform” many people, “increase” the number of people who can do it, and “continue to hone their skills” for those who want to be deeply involved. We want to break away from the world view that users only “consume” it. Traditionally, issues that could only be solved by combining mass-produced products can be solved individually and specifically, and the fact that options to share that knowledge are beginning to emerge has become a place to appeal to society.

How did you make it?

We started workshops / seminars on digital fabrication and started to attract people such as therapists. Make-athon is usually held for 1 to 3 days, and the team will work with the person to make the tools that the "Need Knower" really wants. Regardless of the skill of the team members, we will demonstrate the strengths we have under the leadership of the facilitator within the team. First of all, we will delve into the background of Need and materialize the life we ​​want to achieve with the tools. For idea creation and design realization, the “idea sketch” method developed by IAMAS is used. The production process and data will be created by the person in charge on "Fabble" and used to announce the final results of the workshop. At the same time, we share data with the global platform where we are responsible for localization. If necessary, create an opportunity to “re-design” the prototype.

Your entry’s specification

A place of making where everyone, including people with disabilities, participates on an equal footing, and a series of services to smoothly promote the place. They are, Workshop / Seminar: place to enhance the skills of manufacturing ・ Make-athon: A place to connect with co-creation while demonstrating skills ・ Redesign Cafe: A place to evaluate prototypes produced by Make-athon