No. 73


By : hanamarulab

Entrant’s location : 日本



ハイポサイクロイドは、外円の内側を、小さな円が内接したまま回転した時に、内円上の定点が描く軌跡。本作では、さらに外円を地球の自転のように回転させることで、3次元の軌跡が画面上に描かれるようにした。透明なパネルをその上に置くと、空中には、あたかもそこに存在するかのように、美しい軌跡が浮かび上がる。 2つのパラメータ(内円の半径と外円の回転速度)を自由に設定することで、描かれる図形も様々に変容する。数学的なインプットが、テクノロジーを通し、アートとしてアウトプットされていく。 さらに、描画点が外円に触れた時の座標値に応じて、高さや大きさの異なる音が発せられる。様々な軌跡から紡がれる音を重ねることで、幻想的な演奏が繰り広げられる。 数学、テクノロジー、アート、音楽。本作は、様々なフィールドの境界を越えていく。それを鑑賞する子ども達もまた、ハイポサイクロイドを通して、多様な世界を横断していく。 【仕様】 映像・音楽:Androidタブレット パネル:アクリルシート、セロハンテープ 【製作年】 2019年

What did you create?

A program where you can come into contact with art and music, starting from a mathematical concept known as a "hypocycloid".

Why did you make it?

Due to the internet, we've entered into an era where, as long as there is a desire, we can enjoy advanced learning regardless of location or wealth. However, due to conditions they were born and raised in, children without this desire are left behind. Learning is naturally exciting. Each piece of learning is connected to various fields. We made it so any children can embrace their interests and expand their learning through this work.

How did you make it?

Originally, a hypocycloid is a trajectory that is drawn by a single point on a small circle rotating around the inner circumference of a fixed and larger circle without slipping. In this work, the larger circle is additionally rotated in a similar fashion to the Earth so that a three dimensional trajectory is drawn on the screen.To enable an active experience, the programming is such that the radius of the inner circle, the rotation speed of the outer circle and the color of the trajectory can be determined by the viewer. From this, figures of varying shapes and colors can be drawn.As the pitch and volume of the melody are determined by the three dimensional coordinates of the drawing point, the melody to be played will vary according to the trajectory drawn by the hypocycloid. By placing an acrylic pyramid panel on the tablet, it appears as if the hypocycloid exists in the air.

Your entry’s specification

Video/Music: Android tabletPanel: Acrylic sheet, cellophane tape