No. 173


By : 大和 本多

Entrant’s location : 日本



被った人の顔になる被りモノです。口を開けると同じように口を開けたり、まばたきをするとまばたきをしたり、黒目を動かすと黒目が動いたり、中の人の表情に合わせて被りモノの顔が動きます。 被ったまま移動できるiPadを画面に使った形式と、天吊り+プロジェクションでハンズフリーに楽しめるインスタレーション形式の2パターンつくりました。 手触り感のある被りモノとバーチャルなアバター。それぞれの性質と、操縦者によって動く分身であるという共通点に着目した「現実空間のアバター」です。好きな服や靴を選んで出かけるように、アバターを好きな見た目にカスタマイズするように、好きな顔を選んで街を歩く人々を想像しながら、制作をつづけています。

What did you create?

It is a covering that becomes the face of the person who wears it. When you open your mouth, you open your mouth in the same way, when you blink, you blink, when you move your black eyes, your black eyes move, and the face of the object moves according to the expression of the people inside. Two patterns were created: an iPad that can be moved as it is on the screen, and an installation that can be enjoyed hands-free with a ceiling-mounted projection. It is an interactive work that allows you to check the face of the person you wear, or to change to another character by re-covering it.

Why did you make it?

As VR and AR become widespread, communication using virtual 'avatars' that express individuality while maintaining anonymity such as 'VRChat' and 'virtual YouTuber' has become commonplace . Analog costumes and wearing things that actually have humans inside, but considering that there are players who also operate virtual avatars, they are common in that they are “moving by pilots”. This work is a “real space avatar” that focuses on the characteristics and commonalities of touched objects and virtual avatars. Just like choosing clothes and shoes to go out, and customizing your avatar to look the way you like, I choose my favorite face and imagine people walking around the city.

How did you make it?

Face tracking is performed with higher accuracy than iPhone X built into the cover object, and it is linked with the image of the cover object surface (iPad screen or projection).

Your entry’s specification

Equipment: PC, iPhoneX, projector, video cable, etc. Exhibition space: W2000 x H2500 x D2000