No. 174


By : 大和 本多

Entrant’s location : 日本



とんがり帽子を頭に乗せると、同じ色のメイト(仲間)が登場し、鑑賞者のマネをしながら動きます。 鑑賞者がアクションするとメイトは人間性を増し、仲間であることをさらに意識させてくれます。 何かのきっかけで友人が増えたり、いつのまにか疎遠になっていたり、仲間の輪は広がり、狭まり、重なり、変化してつながっていく。そんな人間のコミュニティ構造をモチーフに、抽象化して形づくったインタラクティブ作品です。 好きな色のメイトと一緒に遊びましょう!

What did you create?

A hands-on installation that can be enjoyed with a mate who moves while managing the experience. If you put a pointed hat of your favorite color on your head, some pointed lights in the space will move and appear as mates of the same color. When the experiencer takes his head off, the mate will turn his head in the same way. When you jump, your hands will start to move and you will be more human and more conscious of having a friend.

Why did you make it?

As a result of an increase in the number of friends or alienation, the circle of friends expands, narrows, overlaps, changes and connects. Everyone may be looking in the same direction or in different directions. There may or may not be a single leader. Rather than waiting for a friend to be able to do it, the number of friends will increase naturally by speaking actively. This interactive work is based on the theme of “community”, which is abstracted and shaped from the human community structure.

How did you make it?

A sensor built into the pointed hat detects whether or not the hat is worn, whether the hat rotates, or jumps. In cooperation with the system PC, DMX controls all eight pointed lights (produced by creating moving lights used for stage lighting, etc.). Mate's hands are directed by projection.

Your entry’s specification

Equipment: PC, moving light, projector, video cable, etc. Exhibition space; W3500 × D3500 × H2500