No. 193


By : sayakaasai

Entrant’s location : 日本



冷たい空気を纏い 微かな音をたて 時間をかけて溶ける 同じ空気 温度を感じ 光と音を交え 布の中を行ったり来たり まるで息をするかのように やがてそれはゆっくりと乾く 私も ゆっくりと 息をする

What did you create?

Dye with silk on silk cloth. Produced tapestry works.

Why did you make it?

I've been producing for a long time, and manufacturing for me is recognized as a very natural act that blends into my life as if I was breathing. When I left that process in shape, I spent a long time working on the production of what was visible.

How did you make it?

Focusing on the natural phenomenon of melting, it uses ice, a special technique. Dye the ice, melt it on a cloth and draw.

Your entry’s specification

Material silkSize W5800, H2300,