Panasonic Prize
Democratic experiment(s)
For the YouFab2021 Special Prize "Panasonic Prize", we will seek works that hope to improve the society and our lives under the theme "Democratic experiment(s)."
Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic Corporation, started his business in Japan about a century ago in 1918, with the vision to improve people’s lives and society through business. That was when the nation did not have the same accessibility to various products like we do today. He sought to encourage and energize the world and make life ideal by providing high-quality low-cost products to the public -- in other words, by “popularizing and democratizing” home appliances. The practice was what Matsushita called the “waterworks philosophy”.
This corporate philosophy has been passed down until today as we live in a VUCA world with too many things. Although the future is unpredictable, Panasonic’s philosophy to idealize life and society together with various stakeholders remains unchanged. Panasonic sympathizes with YouFab 2021's theme “Democratic Experiment(s),” which is a democratic experimental activity that faces not only the tie among humans but with the whole universe including the global environment, while sincerely addressing the complex social issues represented by the SDGs -- and therefore established the “Panasonic Award”.
Based on these backgrounds and ideas, Panasonic is widely seeking creative ideas and technologies that will “energize the world and make our lives ideal”.
#Panasonic #SDGs #STEAM #Well-being #AI #Robotics #Augmentation
About Panasonic?

Under our brand slogan, "A Better Life, A Better World," which embodies our management philosophy of "contributing to the development of society through business," we work with various partners to expand our business in diverse domains. Through our business, we aim to continue to make significant contributions to the realization of ideal lifestyles and societies, and to the resolution of global social issues such as global environmental protection.
Tatsuo Ogawa
Panasonic Corporation Executive Officer and CTO
Tatsuo Ogawa
Panasonic Corporation Executive Officer and CTO
Born in 1964 in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Ogawa graduated from the School of Science at Osaka University in 1989.
He joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (now Panasonic Corporation) in 1989, where he was engaged in device and material development at the electronic components research laboratory and the headquarters research laboratory.
He studied as a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S. and experienced the development of advanced packaging technology.
After serving as the head of the planning, R&D, and technology strategy staff divisions in the device business field, he was appointed as the general manager of the Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Division in 2017, executive officer in charge of Manufacturing Innovation in 2018, and vice president of Automotive Company in charge of manufacturing and logistics director of Automotive Systems Business Division in 2019.
From 2021, he was appointed as executive officer and CTO. -
Ariane Koek
Creative Director, Strategic Consultant, Producer/Curator and Writer
Ariane Koek
Creative Director, Strategic Consultant, Producer/Curator and Writer
Ariane Koek is an acknowledged international expert and pioneer in the field of arts, science and technology and artists residencies. Ariane initiated, designed and directed the acclaimed Arts at CERN programme 2009-2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. Today she works worldwide as an independent strategic advisor, creative partner and consultant on many new high profile initiatives such as the new Cavendish Arts Science programme at Cambridge University, UK, as well as working with high profile established organisations seeking new directions, such as The Exploratorium, San Francisco, USA.
Chiaki Hayashi
Loftwork Inc. Co-founder
Chiaki Hayashi
Loftwork Inc. Co-founder
Co-founded Loftwork Inc. in 2000 and currently serves as its representative director. Loftwork is a new style of creative agency that boasts a network of over 25,000 creators. Each year Loftwork rolls out over 200 projects including web, community, and spatial design initiatives. Loftwork also operates the digital fabrication cafe, FabCafe. Hayashi pioneered the adoption of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guidelines in the creative industries in Japan, and has penned the book Web Project Management Standards. Hayashi is Japan Liaison to the Director of MIT Media Lab, a member of the Good Design Awards Screening Committee, and a member of the Manufacturing Industry Subcommittee of METI's Industrial Structure Council Committee.
The Panasonic Group has kept its public pledge of making contributions to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people worldwide through providing devices and services over a long period of time. Today, the world is full of complex social issues, such as energy, food and water sustainability, and community. We feel that "the ability to keep asking quality questions" is becoming increasingly important in corporate activities.
Let's take a look at this example. People's quality of life is enhanced not by having devices do everything for them, but by being able to forever move on their own and serve society.
To do so, how can we get closer to people and society, and what kind of relationships can we create?
Having these questions as a starting point, I hope that together with all of you creative people, we can create the lifestyle and culture of the future!

Chief Judge
Tatsuo Ogawa
Panasonic Corporation Executive Officer and CTO
Born in 1964 in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Ogawa graduated from the School of Science at Osaka University in 1989.He joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (now Panasonic Corporation) in 1989, where he was engaged in device and material development at the electronic components research laboratory and the headquarters research laboratory.He studied as a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S. and experienced the development of advanced packaging technology.After serving as the head of the planning, R&D, and technology strategy staff divisions in the device business field, he was appointed as the general manager of the Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Division in 2017, executive officer in charge of Manufacturing Innovation in 2018, and vice president of Automotive Company in charge of manufacturing and logistics director of Automotive Systems Business Division in 2019.
From 2021, he was appointed as executive officer and CTO.
YouFab is category-free. All genres are accepted for submission. We also welcome works in progress, as well as prototypes. In this case, we will base our evaluation on the way it has endeavored, as well as its future potential. Works that have already been published or released are also encouraged, and may it be working solo, as a group or business, we will leave that up to you.
The Panasonic PRIZE is based on the following:
Is it multifaceted, envision the changes in the future and have the potential for diffusion within the society?
Does it inspire the stakeholders and their sensibilities, and draw out their potential?
Does it include ideas that will improve society and our lives, and foster a global culture?
- Reward
- 1000USD (several winners)
- Other
- Invitation to the award ceremony event (March 2022, Tokyo)
- Opportunity to exhibit at YouFab Exhibition 2021 (scheduled to be held at Panasonic Center Tokyo in March 2022)
- We may be able to offer you an opportunity to join a permanent exhibit at the Panasonic Creative Museum "AkeruE ". (We will consider supporting the production cost for the work for the permanent exhibit in such case.)
- We may ask you to take part in joint research with AugLab and Panasonic Laboratory Tokyo.
*AkeruE is a museum that was established to nurture creativity. It sits in Ariake, Tokyo, and is operated by Panasonic Center Tokyo.
Anyone who submits work in keeping with the theme can enter for the Panasonic Prize at the same time as the application for YouFab 2021. You can enter by clicking the Special Prize check box in the YouFab 2021 application form.
Ideas and creations that question the value and possibilties of ‘mobility’
Technology design for learning that fosters new discoveries and creativity
MERGE – A future where work and life merge together